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District 3 - AT&T Bargaining Town Hall Conference Call

The CWA District 3 leadership, your AT&T Southeast, and Utility Operations bargaining teams will be hosting a town hall-style conf call on Tuesday, July 23rd at 7:00 PM Eastern/6:00 PM Central. The call is open to all CWA members in District 3 who work at AT&T. The call will last about one hour. During the first 30 minutes, bargaining team members will report on the progress of negotiations. The second half of the call will be a question and answer period, where members can ask District 3 leadership questions bargaining

Below is the link to register for the town hall conference call. Registrants will receive a phone call from CWA shortly before the start of the call. Upon answering the phone, registrants will be brought directly onto the call. We look forward to speaking with all of you next week.

CWA District 3 AT&T Bargaining Town Hall Call